'The Red Cherries'
Exploring Creativity for Leadership and Life
Leading a creative life which is meaningful and rich in purpose is the result of making certain choices every day.
This experiential, multi-sensory workshop will explore how you can be even more imaginative through creativity, movement, art, storytelling, poetry, nature and music.
How do you stay creatively open? How would your life be different if you were more imaginative and used your full potential?
Most people live in a very restricted circle of their
potential being. We all have reservoirs of energy and
genius to draw upon of which we do not dream.
(William James, 1899)
* Enhance your creativity
* Awaken, acknowledge and realise your full potential
* Clarity in your thinking
* Personal growth and development
* Inspire yourself to live a creative life rich in purpose
* Your own creativity
* Trust and acknowledging
* Your values; what motivates and inspires you
* Your vision
* Learning with all your senses
* The wisdom of your body
* More energy and flow
* Your magnificence and more of who you really are
* Skills and tools to explore creativity for leadership and life
* Strategies that will enable you to awaken, acknowledge and use your full potential
* How to see, hear and feel more
* How to enhance your creativity and leadership skills
* How to realise your full potential
* How to motivate and inspire yourself
* How to have more energy and move forward
* How to turn fears into energy and potential
* More about your beliefs, about your identity, abilities, leadership, potential and creativity
* Coaching skills and how to coach yourself in the context of creativity, leadership and using your full potential
Imagination is more important than knowledge
(Albert Einstein)
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